Sunday, November 10, 2019

TD2 2019 Adventure - CA - Palm Springs & Lake Perris, meeting our half-brother

So this is quite a story.  We were on our way to see my sister when she received an e-mail from someone on that she may have a unknown cousin.  Then it turns out -- not a cousin but a half-brother.  Which means ... that I also have a half-brother.

After digesting this information, we make arrangements to meet our half-brother David, and some of his family.  All of our respective parents are gone at this point, so we can't gather any additional details, but we also get to avoid some really awkward conversations ;-)

Hey, it's always exciting to enlarge the family tree!  So now it's time to meet "a brother from another mother" ;-)

Here's our enlarged family photo:

Meet David, our "brother from another mother"!

Here are some pictures from our visits in Palm Springs and at Lake Perris:

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